
Welcome to our blog! we're 6th year from the Cultu of Bernal! our teacher is Margarita Grau.
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sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Hey hey =)

Opinion Essay from Mariana Casasola

"Everybody should carry around a gun"

Violence: an everyday problem. Everybody is afraid of going out alone or even in groups, because you don't know what's waiting for you around the corner. Thieves, murderes, streets are not a safe place any longer. But, should we carry guns just because of that? In my opinion, this will only make things worse. People are crazy and carrying a gun will make streets a complete disaster.
To start with, we can see people fighting or arguing every day, for many reasons: car crash, money, politics and more. And we all know that things can get really dangerous any minute. In my view, carrying a gun could be extremly dangerous because people can lose control easily, making disasters or killing innocent persons for things that do not really matter or that are not bad enough to kill somebody.
What is more, thieves would become more violent because common people will have guns but violent acts won't stop. I think they could get worse than ever. And what for? Death would be at the order of the day and streets would be a chaos. Is that something worth fighting for? And how can anyone tell me for sure that guns will save us all? I believe it's a risk and I don't think that it's the best way to make things better.
On the other hand, some people say that carrying a gun around will be much better because they'll be able to protect themselves if someone tries to hurt them. Indeed, this is a really good reason and I agree, because as many say, it would be awesome if we could do something while thieves are robbering us or murdering someone. But, how can anybody assure me that the whole population is going to be responsible with guns? Can we say for sure that they are only going to use them with bad people and not between them? That they won't use them for anything else than self-defense? No, nobody can possibly know that so guns are not sure at all. Actually, people are very umpredictable and easily lose control of their emotions or their minds. For example, those boys who go to school with guns and kill many classmates. Is that okay? Not at all. And we don't know if things like that won't be in newspapers everyday if everyone is allowed to carry a gun.
Taking everything into account, I believe that carrying guns is a real danger and nobody should carry them. I don't think that having one is a crime at all, the problem is how they use them. There are people who love this kind of weapons and enjoy using them for practices and spotts, but most of them know that guns are not toys and that they have to know how to use them.

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